1. Admission number for the Sixth Form
The admission numbers into Sixth Form are 150. In addition to the entry requirements the upper limit of external applicants will take account of the availability of places in subject courses, the availability of teaching staff, the suitability of group sizes for a specific subject and the pastoral capacity of the school. Applications will be refused where the school considers the size of the class or tutor groups would prevent the efficient education of a group and where it is not financially feasible or desirable for the Governors to change the school staffing or appoint additional staff.
Where more external applicants successfully meet the Admissions Criteria than there are places, the oversubscription criteria will apply.
Oversubscription criteria:
Preference will be given to students on the basis of:
· The best eight GCSE examination scores achieved by the applicant.
· In the event of oversubscription by external candidates the best eight GCSE grades will be raised to ensure the number of applicants matches the availability of places we have in the Sixth Form.
Education Health and Care Plans
Any applicant that meets the entry requirements and has an EHCP that names this school will be admitted even if that means going above the PAN for the year group.
Looked after children and previously looked after children
Looked after children and previously looked after children who meet the academic entry criteria have the highest priority in the oversubscription criteria for our sixth form places.
2. Admissions Criteria
Entry into the Sixth Form involves meeting general entry requirements and subject specific requirements.
· The minimum entry requirement for the Sixth Form is 40 points from a student's best 8 subjects.
· Students must have a 5 in English Language and Maths.
For GCSE qualifications the number of points equals the grade, so a Grade 9 is worth 9 points and a Grade 8 is work 8 points and so on.
In addition to the overall entry requirements for Sixth Form, each A level has a minimum GCSE grade requirements. These are outlined further within our course guide and are identified for each subject on each subject page of the course guide. There may be some room for negotiation for internal students dependent upon their marks and the number of places available on the course. External students will be expected to meet the grade requirements stated.
Students must be under 17 years of age on 31st August of the calendar year of proposed admission.
Students must be able to provide documentation in support of an application including documentation to confirm GCSE results.
External students must come on GCSE results day for a formal meeting and if successful in this meeting they will be enrolled into the Sixth Form. External Catholic students may be called for a meeting prior to results day.
All students must have made an application to the Sixth Form to be able to be considered a place, no walk ins will be accepted on GCSE results day.
We strongly encourage students to take 3 A levels, we offer EPQ and Core Maths as an extra qualification and this is enough to keep students busy as they transition from GCSE to A level. Students can only take 4 A level subjects if they get straight 7-9 grades at GCSE. Core Maths is taken as a 4th subject.
3. Admission Process
Application for Sixth Form is made via Applica and details of this can be found on the school website.
Applications for September 2025 are now closed.
We will make conditional offers to students based upon their predicted grades and if they meet our minimum entry requirements. This will happen during March and April.
Applicants will be expected to confirm their acceptance by Friday 25th April. Changes to subject choices can be made after this point but only if there are places within the subject groups.
All applications should be made by the closing date. We will only accept late applications if the numbers allow, this is highly unlikely so please do ensure you meet the application deadline and confirm your acceptance.
We will not accept walk in applications on results day.